Q&A software for university lectures

In this project me and 5 collegue students from Technical University Delft created a Q&A software. AskNow is a platform where students can ask questions during lectures so that the teacher can answer these in real-time. To see the source code you can click here.

How the software works:

When you start the application you see the start screen. Here you can enter a username and either create a lecture room or join one. If you create one you can also appoint a time for when the room opens.

Once you have created a lecture room you see the Teacher/Assistent view here you can see all the questions asked by the students. On this page you can also get the join codes for both students and TA's (teacher assistents). After the lecture there is also the possibility to export all the questions.

The view that you see below is the student view, this is the view that all students see. Here they can ask the questions that they have, upvote useful questions and give feedback about the lecture pace. In this view I asked a question which you can see below.

As a teacher or assistent you see the questions and you can either edit, remove or answer these. If the question is answered the student will also see this.

The software has WAY more functionality than what I have showed above. To see the full source code you can visit the project on github.

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